A Few Words Every Few Days

November 28, 2018

Been a bit again

Filed under: Life — enwewn @ 20:32

So, We had to take the DnD game down to 1 or 2 weekends a month to help with DM and player burn out. Its working ok. Other then that Work has continued to be stressful. We got through the opening of the new unit and working to finish the tech upgrades that it entailed.

September 14, 2018

Just noticed I have not type here recently

Filed under: Life — enwewn @ 18:58

Been a long time since my lat update here. Not that I have too much to say. Looking to get DnD games going again this month, so that should be fun. Also heading to the Ren Fest tomorrow that should be fun I hope.

April 10, 2016

Been more then a few

Filed under: Life — enwewn @ 02:19

Just noticed how long its been since I added something here. Life has been moving along. I have gotten a few things put into progress for getting to were I would like to be, but its still a work in-progress. Starting to feel a bit better again, so I am hoping that continues and that with summer coming I will be able to complete things around the house in such a way that I am comfortable with having people over, I will have to see.

June 14, 2014

Got to play with the new gear

Filed under: Life — enwewn @ 20:22

Well I have gotten to play with all my new gear and it had been nice. The tripod works way better as it is not as shaky as the last one. The new camera and lenses are giving me much better images and many more options. Now I have not had them out and about much yet as I have just been too damn lazy, but over all the gear is much better.

The new light modifiers are also working out well. The brollyboxes are really nice for flash work and the extra reflectors have help to fill in spaces in my lighting. Most of what I have taken photos or are products for Joel Davis Design as he was headed down to a blade show and want photos of the things before they got sold. I also took a few photos of some old lenses that I have around that I have used from time to time to get better shots then the kit lenses. You can check those out on flickr along with the shots of Joel’s stuff.

Looking forward to taking more photos and doing more things as time allows.

May 27, 2014

Just did something Stupid

Filed under: Life — enwewn @ 16:46

So over this weekend I spent way too much money on new camera gear. Now I have reasons for it as my old t1i is starting to have some strange issues, like hot spots in my raw photos. It also does not have the eye.fi integration that I have been hating a lot as I love using my eye.fi. I also got a few new lenses as the kit ones are starting to show the limitations in what I am trying to do. I got a new tripod as the one I got for x-mas was nicer, but it was not  what I was looking for. I will likely give that one back to my Dad for him to use if he wants. There is also some new light modifiers and reflectors to help even out the light that I am working with. Should mostly be arriving tomorrow, so I will not be able to play with it too much right away, but it should all be good fun once I can spend the time with it.

May 16, 2014

What is taking up my time

Filed under: Life — enwewn @ 13:26

Other then the normal work/sleep time eaters. I have been working with a friend on getting his works photographed and post on his site to help him move forward with his business. This has take more time then one would think, but it is good practice over all. Today I will be heading over to Austin to photograph a brother-in-law’s graduation. This should be fun as I have borrowed a few lenses from another friend for the occasion. Tomorrow I am planning to head over to some ones house to re-install a ceiling fan that I put in last fall. It is more for safety then for it not being done right, I just got worried by it after I was done, so I plan to add a few screws in to structure to make sure it can not run away.

August 29, 2013


Filed under: Life — enwewn @ 18:54

Roof been fixed, that was too much work to get the job done.

I am loving both the phone and the nexus 7, looking at the new one and thinking about it. I just got the notice that my chromecast shipped, so that should be fun to play with.

Work is well work… that all I have to say about that.

November 15, 2012

It been a bit.

Filed under: Life — enwewn @ 19:06

So I took a break from posting here. Not sure if that’s good or bad or even intentional, but it happened. So I am back, recently I picked up a nexus 7 when they came out, it’s where this message is being made. I also just picked up a Samsung s3 as my new phone.

Also, been fighting to get my roof fixed since it got damaged in early October. There has been progress but no work, it is getting old.

The new spot at work happened and like I thought a little more money and a change in schedule as well as a small pay bump. Not sure yet if it’s good or bad.

April 22, 2012


Filed under: Life — enwewn @ 20:37

So I am at work and just waiting for it to be over. Waiting for my vacation to start at the end of May. On the good news front, I am likely getting a raise and a new title. Bad news, more stress… Life goes on.

June 4, 2010

Got an HTC Evo

Filed under: Life — enwewn @ 23:26

So I picked up on of the Evos from sprint. I am working on getting used to it.

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