A Few Words Every Few Days

April 29, 2010

Motorcycle Riding

Filed under: Drama,Stupid,work — enwewn @ 22:29

So I looked at the weather before I came to work to day and it told me I had about a 50% chance of getting rained on. Most of the time I would not of ridden in with that, but I had to come in early and if I ride I can park close, rained on walking to the car, or rained on riding home… Well its raining and making lots of noise about it also. This should be great fun as I also am going over to my sisters house to work on her computer which is the wrong way accross town, may go home and the drive back, don’t know yet.

New toys

Filed under: Life — enwewn @ 22:24

I picked up a few new camera toys. A new quick remove neck strap, that I hope is more comfortable the the factory one. And one of the new Eye.fi pro x2 cards. Endless memory is going to be fun to try out. That and to see what ranage the N wireless really has.

April 26, 2010

MRI Results

Filed under: Life,Stupid — enwewn @ 18:19

Well got the results back today. No real issues with my neck. C6 disk has a bit of a bulge, but it is not doing anything.

For those that do not know. For many years now I have been fighting with my hands going numb and loosing the ability to hang on to things. They well also swell and remain achy for days after words. Most of the time I just avoid doing the thing that set it off. Holding on to heavy stuff, using a hammer, screwdriver, or any tool the causing me to twist my wrist, or send vibrations in to it. Before the MRI I went through an EMR test. They send current through the nerves to make sure they are working right. After this round, I was checked again, after the MRI they found a small amount of slowing at the elbow. Not much and not enough for them to do anything, but I will need to have it rechecked next year. So this explains the issues I started having with my hands falling asleep while I talked on the phone or sleeping with my arms bent, but it does not really get into the other issue. But so far it just sucks when it happens and they really can not tell me why. Guess I will just have to wait until it is bad enough for them to find the cause.

April 22, 2010


Filed under: Drama — enwewn @ 19:41

Well looking at what all I am going to need to do to remodel the main floor bathroom in the house. Looks like alot of pulling out of all wall board. A little stud work, and a lot of wiring to get what I want. I hope to start on this the 2nd of May and have it all nice and finnished around the begining of June. This is going to be fun… I hope…

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